Milford Federal NMLS Identification Numbers


Milford Federal is registered in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry (NMLS). Milford Federal’s NMLS number is 465956. The following employees have been registered in the NMLS as Mortgage Loan Originators and have been assigned a unique identification number:

Amanda Aleman
NMLS# 1457104
Kimberly Tarasiak
NMLS# 485230
John Bitar
NMLS# 750273
Jeremy D. Leap
NMLS# 2317335
Blossom James
NMLS# 1164473
Melissa I. Greene
NMLS# 2132132
Christine Staples
NMLS# 1699284
Jennifer M. Parkes-Deer
NMLS# 2621679
Damaris Rivera
NMLS# 2625519
Karen Varteresian
NMLS# 1701224
Donna Desjardin
NMLS# 485227
Kelly O’Donnell
NMLS# 2131685
Donna Verrier
NMLS# 1698755
Paul Gilbody
NMLS# 408568
Susan E. Carabbio
NMLS# 531034
Jemal A. Clarke
NMLS# 1608149
Janet D'Innocenzo
NMLS# 34063
Nancy Day
NMLS# 2119427
Jason Silva
NMLS# 21592
Chad M. Ross
NMLS# 2374974
Jenna Philipp
NMLS# 1718728
Tina Stothard
NMLS# 1457100
John Trotta III
NMLS# 137015
Vanessa R. Tarabey
NMLS# 2580318
Nicholas C. Ogden
NMLS# 2646687
Sarah M. Anderson
NMLS# 1375568
Kristina S. Ruggiero
NMLS# 1384002